Wednesday, March 6, 2013

This is showing the passenger side control arm bushings, looks like they were a little worse than the driver side.
This shows the driver side control arm with the new bushings installed.
It wasn't to hard to get them out. I used a 2" hole saw and a propane torch. The OEM bushings are bonded to the control arm so unless you have a very good press they can be a pain to get out. I drilled with the hole saw as much as I could then I took the arm outside and heated the outside of the cylinder. After you hear the rubber start to sizzle wack at it a few times with a hammer and the old bushing should come right out.

Use the torch to burn away any rubber left in the hole, and clean it up.

Started the control arm bushing project yesterday.

Yes, I do plan to take care of the brake line issue also...LOL!!

As you can see (driver side lower control arm) The bushings are a bit in need of replacement. This could be one of the reasons I have DW at highway speeds....LOL!!